Breathtaking Cinderella Show
The innovative show takes you to the future like a time machine, combining music and light at a high quality level. A unique luminous dress made of optical fiber and a bright electric violin take this performance to a completely new level. This show program is primarily intended for larger events or stages and requires a dark room.

A Beautiful Spectacle with Ballerinas
A classic in a fresh and captivating form – violin and ballet, but not as you've seen it in a traditional theatre setting. The powerful and passionate sound of the electric violin intertwines with the graceful movements of ballerinas, creating a truly unique and mesmerizing experience that elevates classical music and dance to a whole new level. This extraordinary performance, featuring the talented ballet soloists Heidi Kopti and Ketlin Oja, offers a stunning fusion of visual and musical delights.
Kujutle, kuidas helid ja liikumine loovad meeldejääva atmosfääri, mis on täis emotsioone ja ilu. See show viib publiku rännakule, kus traditsioon kohtub modernsusega, pakkudes midagi igale maitsele. Kui soovid oma sündmusele lisada erilisust, võlu ja peenust, siis on just see etteaste parim valik, et jätta kustumatu mulje ja muuta iga sündmus tõeliselt meeldejäävaks.

«ÕHTU!» ⟩ Sõuviiuldaja Johanna Marie Kork tutvustas Eestis ainulaadset, optilisest fiibrist valmistatud kleiti
Something For Everyone

For Event Opening
Are you opening a new center, cafe or salon and want a musical performance worthy of the opening party? Maybe you are looking for a performer for your birthday party or company summer days, who can get the crowd going in a few minutes? Then there is no need to look any further. An exceptionally cool violin show immediately grabs the audience and is as much fun to watch as it is to listen to. The repertoire includes the most beautiful pieces of well-known classics such as Vivaldi and Beethoven, in a modern key, and the wonderful hits of world-famous musicians such as Avicii, Queen, Coldplay and others.
As a Suprise Performer
Do you want to surprise your loved one, customers or company employees, the bride and groom or wedding guests? A surprise performance can take place both at a small private party and at a large event. A well-planned and thought-out surprise concert will definitely be vividly remembered and effective by everyone. LED-electric violin show is perfect for this.

For Dancing or Backround Music
Dance hits on the electric violin will not leave any dance hall empty. The program consisting of pop-covers and a violin with LED light is ideal for night clubs as well as bars, weddings and birthday parties. The timeless hits of Tiesto and David Guetta on electric violin will make even the most modest party guest dance.
An acoustic program is suitable for calmer background music and ceremony music. This type of music will be performed as a duo or trio, because that way it will sound a lot better.
Who is johanna marie?
Johanna started learning to play the violin at the age of 6 at Tallinn Music High School. She has a bachelor's and master's degree from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater and has improved her skills in Verona at E.F. dall´Abaco Conservatory.
Johanna has been active in entertainment since 2008 and has performed on all continents except Antarctica. She is from the well-known trios La Phoenix and Violina. With the latter, Johanna has repeatedly participated in the contest "Eesti Laul". Since 2017 she has also been a member of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra.
On Stage
Johanna has performed on various stages from Nikki Beach to the Golden Hall of the Vienna Philharmonic. She is characterized by bright costumes, high-quality music and professional presentation. Johanna always gives her best to make the performance memorable and the show unforgettable.